
Showing posts from November, 2006

Suspicious Figures

Going through photos tonight, I found a picture of Todd and Vicki that I think captures them both pretty well. The photo was taken by Vicki without my permission.

My Week of Zelda

All the stars aligned for a week of gaming: the Nintendo Wii was released with the latest Zelda game the week before Thanksgiving and I had vacation days to burn, and my brother, Todd, was in a similar situation. So he took the bus from Manhattan on Monday and we tag-teamed the game, swapping between each dungeon, until it's completion last night. Todd and I have done this a number of times many years ago, but the change to act like children again and play (and complete) a game in one of our favorite series together made this week one of my most enjoyable vacations. No small credit can be given to Bessie who demonstrated saint-like patience with the bleary-eyed bums in her basement yammering on about heart containers, master keys, and the saddening absence of Tingle. She did indulge in some some light jeering, saying that Link is such a cute elf and wondering where Legolas could be. I have a good bit to say about Twilight Princess, the Nintendo Wii, and the Zelda series in general,

Todd Loves The Tingle

Todd: This game needs a Tingle [ 1 ] ! DeathMonkey: :& DeathMonkey: what game? Todd: My game. DeathMonkey: hmmm Todd: Come on, every game needs a character that just freaks you out in it. :) Todd: Hope he's in the new Zelda [ 2 ] . Todd: If he's not I'm gonna be UP-SET! DeathMonkey: I'm sure he will be DeathMonkey: Though I'm really concerned about him being realistically rendered. :& Todd: And this time he'll be "realistic". :P Todd: Hahah Todd: Nintendo should pull a MGS2 [ 3 ] . :) DeathMonkey: :& DeathMonkey: NOOOOO Todd: Buy a Zelda game 3 hours in you're Tingle! Todd: On an epic fairy quest! DeathMonkey: NOOOOOOOO Todd: Best joke EVA. [ 1 ] Tingle has always been disturbing. He's a 35 year old "fairy" that's appeared in the Legend of Zelda series. His catch-phrase is "Tingle-Tingle, Kooloo-Limpah!" [ 2 ] Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess is the next game in the series. [ 3 ] Metal Gear Solid 2: