
Showing posts from 2012

Kid Icarus: Uprising thoughts

I chatted with Todd about Kid Icarus: Uprising and I thought that the conversation expressed a lot about what I think about the game and game design in general. I'm sorry that this is not in a more easily readable form, but I don't have the time or the inclination to polish it up. Todd: So Icarus still as good as you said? Scott: All of Sakurai's games are good Or at least well-made Or complete I don't think I'd recommend it at this point Todd: gotcha. Scott: Flying and shooting is a lot of fun. The bosses are quite good. Walking around is aight. It's not just that the controls are a little wonky, but it's just a bit slower and doesn't feel as nice. Lots of the good and bad rules of Smash Bros apply Like tapping to start running Which is something that annoys me in Smash Bros and sometimes annoys me in KI There are a tremendous number of weapons, but I don't feel inspired to "breed" them Effectively there are maybe 64 different